Wednesday, December 07, 2005

seeing my dad again

One of my goals for visiting cebu again was to visit my dad and his family - for those of you who dont know my dad passed about 14 years ago when i was about 9 years old, ive only really visited him one other time since then. My grandfather also passed away this year and i wasnt there for it - this was a good chance for me to say hello again.

I thought it was a nice though that melissa said "he finally got to meet me"

niether sam or I have been able to go back since his passing, i thought it would be a nice thought leaving this picture there for them..

This is my aunt, my dads younger sister, and her little boy..

Interesting factiod.. i was told that my dad designed this thing for some wealthy shipping man.. interesting..

this is her family.. cute kids.. kinda scary dad lol

It was a good visit, i went back there again and lit a couple more candles just before i left cebu.

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